"Interestingly, koi, when put in a fish bowl, will only grow up to three inches. When this same fish is placed in a large tank, it will grow to about nine inches long. In a pond koi can reach lengths of eighteen inches. Amazingly, when placed in a lake, koi can grow to three feet long. The metaphor is obvious. You are limited by how you see the world."
-- Vince Poscente

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Check out... Top 10 ways government kills jobs in America

By: Arthur Brooks
OpEd Contributor
October 19, 2010

Our politicians all seem to agree on at least one thing: There will be no recovery unless America gets back to work.

But that's often where the agreement ends. Once you move on to discuss how to get America back to work, opinions begin to diverge.

In general, the worst thing for job creation is a poor entrepreneurial climate. Such a climate is brought on by the large fiscal debt, unpredictable health care costs, and a generally anti-business and pro-regulation approach by government.

In the run-up to the midterm elections, all of us should be thinking about "climate change" - and the best ways to create jobs in our nation. We'll hear lots of talk about recovery and stimulus, about fairness and equity, the future and change.

As we listen to the rhetoric, remember the reality. These are the Top job killers in America.

  1. Uncertainty and business
  2. Uncertainty and the consumer
  3. High corporate taxes
  4. Unhealthy health insurance costs
  5. The threat of unionization
  6. Inability to hire and fire
  7. Trade restrictions
  8. Credit
  9. Increasing unemployment insurance
  10. Encouraging frivolous lawsuits

To read the full article at the Washington Examiner... click here.

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Son Isaac on Camel in Tangiers
"Sometimes your only available transportation is a leap of faith."-- Margaret Shepard